
Time to get back to "work"

Well, that was a lovely two weeks. I had a great time going on vacation to Denver and San Diego. I spent way way more money than I should have but it was worth every penny. Why? I will tell you why. The other morning I woke up, rolled over and started rubbing my wife's back in an attempt to wake her up in the only way that doesn't make her mad at me for waking her up. I started with a soft stroke or three then moved in to focus on rubbing the usual problem areas of knots and tension. Thats when I ran into a problem. They where not there. I'll let that sink in for a moment.
Now that you have contemplated the gravity of that statement I feel no need to elaborate so I will move on. I too have some New Years resolutions. Ok, its a couple (NOT a few). My first is to maintain my GPA. That is to say that come this time next year I still want a B average. My second resolution isn't to lose weight or get in shape, its something much more reasonable. Portion control. I have decided to go back to my old eating habits of only eating when I am hungry and then stop eating when I am no longer hunger. The system worked well for me for 25 years and now that I have finally gained enough weight that I no longer look like a stick pretending to be a tree I can need to cut back on my mass intake. I would also like to see an increase in vegetable intake but that isn't a new years resolution, its more like a craving. (Shhh.. just between you and me, I don't like all meat all the time, just mostly meat most of the time.)

I'm kind of tired for playing Wii all afternoon with one of my friends so I think I will stop hear and go to bed at a reasonable time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know what time this was written, but he is still playing the Wii when I came home with a friend and still an hour later...now it is nearing 7pm with no end in sight as the door bell has chimed and another gammer has shown up at my house to play. --Happy Holidays to Curtis