
Shuffled morales

So today was pretty eventful.. and its only 2pm!
It was the first day of school. I have a carpool buddy because we have the exact same school schedule (hooray sweet sweet carpool parking spots). Unfortunately we have the first class is at 7:40 am everyday except Friday. This means getting up at 6 and out of the house by 7. Thanks to a judicious amount of coffee there was no tardiness today :)

I was walking to my second class today (on the opposite side of campus) and as we where passing the memorial union I noticed a brand new ipod shuffle in the graveled landscaping. I picked it up and immediately started to scan the vicinity for someone who could have dropped it or was looking around like they had lost something. It was still pretty damn early in the morning and there wasn't a whole lot of traffic in that particular corner of the campus and I didn't find anyone that fit the description.
Not wanting to be late for class I had to get moving and I wasn't gonna just drop the thing there on the ground for someone else to find. I put it in my pocket and scurried off to class.
After class I had to hurry home so that I could get a visiting friend off to the airport in time for her flight, leaving me no time to find the campus lost and found.
After taking my friend to the airport I came home and jumped on the computer to check my email and try to fix my IPAQ (I will save that little story for later). While I there I decide to try to find the lost and found location and policies for ASU.

It turns out that items turned in to lost and found are held for 60 days then donated to a charity (I assume they mean goodwill or the like). This brings me to a moral dilemma. I would like very much to see this $80 toy returned to the poor kid that lost it. Unfortunately there are really no distinguishing features about these new shuffles, though I guess he could tell the lost and found guys what songs he put on it and they could all listen for those songs. They just happen to be mostly top 40 crap every college kid is going to have. He has everything from the latest rap song to the latest pop, alternative, mexican rap, VH1 pop, hard rock, and emo. I have heard nothing that would really distinguish this guy's shuffle from anyone else just guessing as to what would be on Joe Random college student's ipod.
I also do not trust the lost and found people to be honest. Lets face it, do you think the student worker they hired (and is getting paid minimum wage) is going to let that thing sit for 2 months unclaimed and then send it off to a charity? I think it will end up in the pocket of the student worker.

If the policy was a little different and I would be able to claim the ipod shuffle after its 60 day hold period I would turn it in tomorrow. Lets face it, a free shuffle is a pretty sweet deal.

So do I turn the thing into lost and found hoping that whoever lost it doesn't assume that all college students are materialistic fiends lacking most basic sets of morals who would never pass up a chance like this to acquire a free ipod, even if it is only the shuffle? Do I trust that if I do turn it over and the original owner comes looking it will actually be returned to him, or do I just put the thing in my pocket and with the assumption that the kid has already written the damned thing off?


Tom said...

welcome to the world of the iPod... even if it is a shuffle.

Evey Marievey said...

Why are you asking us? You know you've already pocketed it.

And, by the way, I was in that same spot probably at the same time. I could feel a Lenny vibe. Thought it was strange.