

In case you where wondering.. formatting 700 GB takes a long frigging time when the platters only spin at 7200 RPM. I now see the real benefit of those RAPTOR and SCSI drives. To bad the really large capacity ones are so damned expensive.
I guess it will be easy for you to guess who has expanded the recording capacity of his DVR. Its a refurb seagate drive, so I refuse to put any mission critical data on it, but I figure recorded TV shows won't really be missed that much if the thing decides to die off in the next 12 months.


Evey Marievey said...

What might you consider to be mission critical data?

Tom said...

"What might you consider to be mission critical data?"

For Curtis it could be anything... the wife's photos, the wife's letters, the wife's email, pretty much anything involving the wife and or video games.

At least that is my take on it all.

Curtis said...

Tom is pretty close..
Also school work and work work that I take home.