
Go Cardinals

A new record for most points scored in the first half... for the Bretts.. I mean NY Jets.
Seriously.. I don't even know why I watch anymore. My beer tab is getting huge trying to drown my sorrows. We look like a college team out there today.

Even worse.. Bret is all they sports guys are going to be talking about for ANOTHER week.

4th Qtr update.
On a positive note, at the half I was "motivated" to start on my homework and should have it finished by the end of the game. It is really easy to concentrate on microwave circuits when there is something else I am trying very hard to not pay attention to (but am too masochistic to turn off).
This means I can watch the Redskins hopefully beat up on the Cowboys with a clear academic conscience.

I have skipped 3 intented posts to bring you my feelings on this. Maybe after SD and Washington play I will come back and post the other stuff.. like the huge storm we had and the pictures of all the snapped trees, or how awesome it is to go shooting with Cody. Realistically though this is probably the last you will hear of those two momentous events.


Tom said...

Damn Cardinals...

Anonymous said...

Shooting was so bad ass I bought a .45 ACP!!!!! You should come visit..

Tom said...

Crap there goes my spot in the zombie team...

Evey Marievey said...

Yeah. He just out-gunned my rock pick by far. Pun intended.