
From the deepest darkest depth of..

the ocean.. no wait.. ermm.. THE BASEMENT! Monday I get to learn how to use a SQUID . No no, not those tentacled beasts from the cold depths of the forbidden seas, a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device. I have to wait until Monday because there was a glitch with the hydrogen last week and we are waiting for more. Now right about now some of the more nerdier readers are thinking that helium isn't that hard to obtain and shouldn't take a week. I must point out the S in SQUID. The superconductor needs liquid helium. I know the whole process will actually be pretty boring but as of right now I think it will at least be the coolest sounding tests I have ever run.


Tom said...

If the liquid helium man doesn't come through for you I have access to 4 super conducting chambers that you can use.

Just don't ask me about the lights and pretty pretty pictures in one...

Evey Marievey said...

Jumpin' Jigawatts, Marty!

So once you get your liquid helium, install the flux capacitor, and realize you might need to borrow Tom's super conducting chambers, do you get to accelerate to the precise speed of 88 miles per hour in order to catapult yourself to the freaky, future date of August 7, 2020?

Because that would be SO COOL.

Anonymous said...

I use squid everyday, where the hell have you been?
