
Sorry about that

I'm rapidly approaching 2 months with out a post.
I realize this isn't the way to keep readers glued the the tubes, but quite honestly I haven't had alot to post about.
I have been doing alot of stuff, just not things I want to share with the world through this less than anonymous blog. I also don't feel this chunk of the internet needs to be burdened with me talking about electronics, which pretty much cuts out work talk and the interesting to me but boring to the rest of the world software upgrades to my cell phone.
I don't have any hugely life changing events going on like some people we know so I just haven't been able to bring myself to make a post for a while. I can distinctly remember time in the last 2 months where I thought "I should blog this" but by the time I get home and remember I should update my blog (usually a day or 2 later for the remember part) I can't remember what it was I was going to talk about.
I am starting to realize this blog really only thrives when I have impending homework deadlines that are in desperate need of procrastination or they might actually get completed in a timely manner. I think anyone who has pursued higher education can realize the dangers in that.

So to some it up.. nothing really new to report here. Been having fun in the summer enjoying my life while it lasts. In another month school starts up again and I won't have a fun life anymore. I miss working at GD (mostly the money, but also the sense of accomplishment), the wife and I are happy and spend alot of our time planning to spend the mythical windfall of money we will have once I no longer have to feed the state's educational institution and instead can actually earn an income (think window shopping, but more intense.. like window shopping for 'round the world vacations).

Before I forget again, I think formal congratulations are in order to E&C and now little E. I think we can now abbreviate that family as ECe or CEe. Congratulations you two. I am very happy for you. Seriously.. when I think of you two with a kid it makes me happier, usually even makes me smile.

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