
Its February

Its February. The month that got screwed. Wikipedia has a nice entry on the month, including this ever so important segment on the the pronunciation:]

Many people pronounce "February" with a round 'u' instead of an open 'u' vowel, which forces the first 'r' to be eclipsed, viz. 'FEB-yoo-air-ee' instead of 'FEB-roo-air-ee.' That is, it elides into first half of the trailing diphthong. Otherwise, the flanking mid vowel ('e') and back vowel ('u'), combined with the final -ry syllable (front vowel 'ee') make the 'br' difficult for Anglophones to pronounce in the first place. The problem does not usually arise for Scotiaphones, however. The Scottish names for the month are "Feberwary" and "Februar," the latter usually pronounced with a long "ay" vowel in the first syllable.

February brings us great holidays. Holidays like Ground Hog Day (TODAY!), Presidents Day, and Valentine's Day, a holiday created almost solely by the greeting card, candy, and flower cartels that are the true power behind the shadow government that runs the world.

As a rule my wife and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. I don't mean we ignore it, but we try hard not to buy "Valentines Day" branded products (which is pretty much limited to cards, candy, or stuffed animals we don't need). Jewelry, flowers, and nice meals have been excluded from the "ban" list (mostly by my wife) and we try to focus on the meaning of Valentine's Day instead of its commercial components.

In other news my wife made cookies Sunday and I can't stop eating them. She also made blueberry muffins. I am eating one right now with a cup of french roast. It is delicious. I can actually relax and enjoy my morning (yes, I enjoy mornings) today because its the only day I don't have morning classes. I still wake up at 6:00 and spend half an hour coaxing my wife awake but it's nice to know I don't actually have to get up (until she asks me to go make coffee while she showers). I'm such a sucker for her. She could ask for a 5 course breakfast and I would probably get up and do it.
..mmm.. that bite had a big blueberry in it.

I almost forgot. I found the owner of the iPod. I decided that 2 weeks of no one asking lost and found for it meant they weren't really looking so I bought the dock/craddle for $30. I plug it in and find out the person used there full name to name the ipod. I searched ASU directory and pulled up a student with the name and emailed her. That was on Monday. I haven't heard anything back. I think 3 weeks of due diligence is enough and I am now claiming it as my own.

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