
Meaningless Statistics

Statistics: This blog has existed for 5 years (what?!?), there have been 124 posts resulting in an average of 2 posts per month. We all know how much statistics lie, but I am sticking with these numbers and claiming I post something every 2-3 weeks, mostly because I think about posting something that often.
More statistics reveal that my grade this semester was a B. This is a little concerning to me because I don't know if the teacher was doing a +/- system or not (the school uses it, but in practice many teachers don't). If he is than I am rather disappointed in myself, that means I didn't do very well on the final. I will probably never know since I don't get a copy of the final back, nor has he posted the final test grades, and he is on travel until mid January and is essentially incommunicado. Oh well, I am a big boy. I will just move on to the next semester... which will be a class on the lovely topic of LASERS!!!! My path to mad -scientisthood is finally bearing evil and delicious fruit (kind of like a tangelo, or a pluot).

I should be leaving for work in about 15 minutes and have yet to put on pants.. so I think I will have to cut this post short.

1 comment:

Matt-chew said...

So is there a lab fee for the necessary shark next semester?