
Short update

Most of the restoration work is done on the house. All the electrical is repaired which means the wall in my office used to get to the back of the breaker box is finally back together and painted. I am moving back into my office this weekend very slowly since I am using the opportunity for a long overdue clean and purge.
The garage is completely repaired but not usable since all the stuff is still piled inside. I am parking the motorcycles in the garage again, which is nice.
We are still waiting on the flooring, which means we are waiting on a washer and dryer. Its not the contractor's fault.. we have decided to make a few changes to the kitchen since the flooring is coming up. I am not willing to spend the money on this house to "redo the kitchen right" but I am attempting to move one cabinet to reposition the refrigerator and get new counter tops. Since Kristina is dead set against putting lipstick on a pig, we are replacing our perfectly good but 30 year old laminate with perfectly good 0 year old laminate counter tops. Coupled with the new flooring and the painting we did on the cabinets last year the kitchen won't look fairly updated.

It other pointless and random news, Phoenix has received a lot of rain this year. We are already past 4" which is more than we received all of last year. The yard is a mess, both front and back, and between the house stuff and school, and all the other little things it is becoming hard to find time to deal with it. There is so much stuff growing where there isn't supposed to be and I know that if I don't stay on top of it, when the rains stop in a few weeks its all going to turn into a big dead brown mess... after, of course, flowering and playing hell with my allergies for a few months. And since I am surrounded by empty, foreclosed homes those yards area a mess too and there is no one to take care of it.

Also, I have decided once again that school sucks and I don't like it. This is going to be a long 5 years.

1 comment:

Evey Marievey said...

You're so happy you leave me with a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Maybe you could use a little escape...For example, a weekend in the great state of Colorado. Maybe you and Cody can shoot things and then drink lots of beer. Or shoot things while drinking beer.
Or wrestle.
I'm just saying, you know, blow off some steam.