

As I sit at my desk, staring at the to-do list of stuff that needs to get done my mind starts going over a check list of things I could do instead of the productive things on my list. About 3 items into the the new list I come upon "check blogs" and after I check everyones blog I realize I forgot to add an item to my new list. "post blog".
So here I sit, posting a blog, in an attempt to procrastinate on my to-do list of productive things to do with my time when I am not doing homework.
I have nothing in particular to blog about so I started thinking about my blog, and the nature of my blog.
My blog started when I realized that on occasion I would have thoughts or observations that I felt needed to be shared with more than just my closest friends. I feel these thoughts should be available to my acquaintances and complete strangers too. Now I realize that sometimes I have thoughts I only want vague acquaintances or complete to read. What kind of thoughts? Ones that aren't fully developed and are therefore not up to the quality of thoughts I deem fit to share with my close friends. (I know, crazy right? I have even more half-assed ideas than you thought I did.) Its also hard to blog about your married life when your wife reads your blog.

I mean, if this was an anonymous blog I could interject all kinds of silly things and create a whole "artistic persona" as an author. I feel if I exercised this creative license I could create a blog that would really be fun to read. I could get readers by the thousands and weave a tale so engrossing I could actually generate some realistic add revenue from my site.
This will never happen though. I do not get to create a fictitious blog for my fictitious life and become fictitiously famous. I write about stuff that actually happens and therefore my blog reflects my life. Boring.

I break this boredom up by creating crazy ideas and strange theories, but the people I see on a daily basis have to hear about these crazy things and so by the time I am ready to put them in digital print they no longer appeal to me. The story has already been told.

I guess I'm just not made for this blogging thing.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Intersting blog...

I have to admit that I have run into the same problems as you (except for the whole married thing... though when I was attached the Girlfriend (who ever she was at the time) did like to see their name in "lights").

To your concerns I say fuck em... post what you want yes your blog may be intersting only to you but that is really the point now isn't it? As far as blogging about your married life, I'm going to be honest dude I really don't want to hear about your "floppy socks".

Remember just because one or two people hear one of your hair brained ideas 40 times doesn't mean that the rest of us do...

The other resolution is to find a hobby and write about it... it's all entirely up to you.