
Long live the Spatula King

Some of you may remember a certain email from about 7 years ago that made little sense but was still highly entertaining. It was the one where I, the Spatula King, was pondering my Breakfast Kingdom and was in search of members of my court.
I feel that as a King it is my duty to regale you from time to time with tales from my kingdom. Today I bring you the tale of Edward, the brave spatula who exemplifies the spirit and spatulicity of all spatulas!


Where has all the time gone

The pace of my life keeps accelerating at what I feel is an unsustainable rate. There are just too many things I want to do and not enough time to do them. I am spending so much time trying to enjoy life, I don't get any time to enjoy it!
Work and school are evil, the new game Just Cause 2 is glorious, and I haven't figured out how I am going to find a free weekend or 6 to do some loooong hikes in preparation for Long's Peak in August.
I'll figure it out eventually.. I always do.