
Hello 2010

I like 2010. Its only been about 35 hours, but so far it has been a lot of fun. 2010 is also a fun number.. it eludes to patterns and codes. Every time I write it I want to continue the sequence.. 201000-10-20-30. I bet I could start a nice conspiracy theory or end of the world hysteria by using the sequence to pinpoint a date and then randomly correlate some event to it.

Christmas was.. well.. this blog is public so I'm not going into details. It wasn't bad, but a whole day in a small house with 9 people can get a little hectic, especially when 3 of those people only have a combined age of 17(7+6+4) and they recognize you as "Uncle Jungle Gym." On the gift front I once again managed to spoil my wife and I feel very good/proud about that. I have a great shot of her look of shock when she say her new camera. I don't think she will let me post it though.. maybe it will show up on her flickr account though.
I also was finally able to successfully maneuver my wish list into acquiring something very useful for the zombie apocalypse (see previously mentioned plans to start a dooms day theory).
I got a Springfield XD .40 cal. Its is the 4" Tactical version with a ported barrel.
It looks like this, except I have a green grip instead of all black.

I am very happy.

1 comment:

Endless said...

Grats on being an angry, gun toting, meat eater :D