
Turn left

On the way home today I decided to turn left. Normally I would turn right, but today that just seemed wrong. Turning left was very nice. It turned into a 20 minute ride up SR 87. It was a very nice70 degrees out, the sun was just setting, and I figured out the cruise control device on my Harley. Life is good.
I also reconfirmed that I need to move my highway pegs. They are definitely set for a shorter rider. BTW.. I no longer worry about the bike. There are still a few more things I need to adjust and tighten up if I was going for a longer ride, but I feel pretty comfortable on the bike now.
I was supposed to go to the gym tonight.. only the third time since football season started (my normal gym days where Monday and Thursday). I feel like my little motorcycle ride was a better use of my time.

I was in DC last week for work for a few days.. I forgot what a sharp wind can do when it is in the 30s. My lips are chapped but my bones where happily chilled. I will be heading up to Seattle in January and spending some time along the coast doing some work. Holler at me if you want anything from Forks. I can't guarantee I will have time to stop there, but it is along my route.

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