
National Engineers Week

Top Ten Reasons to Celebrate National Engineers Week:(from Eweek.org)

10. Because if we don’t those darn scientists will take credit for all of our efforts.
9. To remind those jerks in school just who’s having fun now.
8. Even garbage collectors want to be called engineers.
7. To stop people from snickering when we discuss “flocculating” devices.
6. “ENGINEER” – you can’t spell it without “G.E.E.!”
5. It’s either that or “Broccoli Awareness Week.”
4. What else have you got to do in the third week in February?
3. Spring will come early if enough engineers emerge from the shadows.
2. Pocket protectors! Pocket protectors! Pocket protectors!
1. Because 1,800,000 engineers can’t be wrong.

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