
Summer in full swing

Well, summer is officially in full swing. What does that mean? Well, first of it is hot. Damned HOT!
It is 6 am, the sun isn't up yet and it is 90 outside. Also "monsoon'' season has started. That means the humidity has DOUBLED. To be clear, by doubled I mean it went from 10% to 20%. Kristina was thinking about getting a food dehydrator.. I am thinking of just leaving some fruit slices outside for a day.

Summer also means that the Syfy (I still hate that name) channel has started its run of summer shows. USA and TNT have followed suit. Burn Notice, Royal Pains, and Leverage are all back and this week Eureka and Warehouse 13 started again. School starts again in a month, so between TV and video games I think I will be making great use of my summer break.

I am not really looking forward to this semester. (do I ever look forward to school?) I will be taking Electromagnetic Fields and Guided Waves (EEE 541). The book that accompanies the class has been lovingly referred to as the big black book of equations. This will be my third course on Elecrtomagnetic fundamentals which tells me electromagnetics is weird and complicated stuff.. but we already knew that. I think the topic suits me well.

This summer has yet to be particularly interesting. I am in a comfortable rut at work, getting new projects faster than what I already have can be completed. I haven't done anything that really resembles a vacation yet, but I have the big hike of doom in about 3 weeks and I expect the days surrounding the hike to be full of booze, explosions, and fun (not in that particular order). I do feel a little left out on the vacation front, but I think that is mostly from getting spoiled with big trips (big for me at least) the last 2 years and the last minutes business trip to upstate New York was canceled at the laster minute and instead I spent a day on the phone trying to walk the local technician through the tests I needed to run. It all worked out fine, but sitting in my cubicle on the phone all day is much more frustrating and boring than getting to go visit someplace green.

I will stop whining now and let you get back to your life. Until next time faithful readers, be lazy and don't finish anyth

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