
because its early

I am posting this morning because I woke up at 5:15 am for no damn good reason. I was really hoping to get a good nights rests last night because I have a party to go to tonight and I don't want to crash early. Apparently my body has different plans. This is an important bit of information to know when reading the post because it helps explain why I am posting. I don't have anything really new to share or any great thoughts I need immortalized on the interwebs... I am just awake at 5:30 am on a Saturday and have nothing to do. Its too early for cartoons, I don't want to play video games for fear of waking up Kristina and its too early to start on any good chores (once again.. for fear of waking my wife).

I got my diploma in the mail yesterday. I guess I am now officially a graduate. There was a small snafu with my degree at the very end. Apparently one of 17 layers of administrative staff didn't pass my grade along so it was still listed as "NR" (I assume that means not received) and a hold was placed on my degree. A quick call to my instructor and it was cleared up by the next day, but I was pretty mad for about 3 days (1 day to find out, 2 days to get it fixed). The registrars office did send me a nice letter though. Nice thick stationary, dark and bold print, oh by the way you don't have a degree yet. Its nice to know that in these economic times the university still finds the money to spend on fancy stationary.
Just for the hell of it, here is a picture from graduation:

Work is good. I got moved from the BOI group to FRACAS. I am pretty sure it stands for Failure Reporting Analysis and Corrective Action System. We are basically level 3 tech support for rescue 21. This is actually a good thing for me since it allows me to work on RF issues (my new area of responsibility on the team). It is a much better utilization of my unique skill set and knowledge base and I think I will be more productive with this group.

On another completely unrelated topic, one of the benefits of GD is a free gym membership. Luckily it is to the same gym that Kristina has been going to for a while now. I have had 3 sessions with a personal trainer and that man is an evil son of a bitch. I bought 3 more sessions with him.
I have wanted to see a trainer for a while because I know I have some really bad workout habits that stem from some injuries I sustained a while ago and I need help correcting them. I can already feel a difference in my left knee. The last session involved a lot of squats and I have had no unusual stiffness or pain in the joint. Come to think of it, that may be because I just can't move afterward.
The gym really isn't my thing, and I don't enjoy going. I have never really enjoyed exercise just for the sake of exercise and I have grown to just about loath running. I have a number of friends who really enjoy it, and I have experienced the runner's high but I still don't consider running very fun. It is hard for me to find the motivation to just go do it. Unfortunately, I know it is a necessary evil, especially with my ever expanding gut so I will just do what I always do. Suck it up and keep going. That won't mean I won't stop bitching and moaning about it though, and I may stick to other forms of light cardio.

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