
That about sums it up

We all know my joy of a good debate. Some people just consider me argumentative. Some people are thoroughly confused as to my real stance on issues due to my tenancies to play the devil's advocate in an attempt to foster meaningful and productive conversations (and because it leads to debates!!).
That being said my stance on DRM is not usually ambiguous.
I have long wished to join the music loving masses and enjoy the iTunes store but usually talked myself out of any real steps in that direction with a double headed argument based on DRM and my cheapassedness.
One of my favorite webcomics, XKCD, has very succinctly summed up the current stance of things for me.

(due to my laziness I am linking to the comic here instead of embedding the image, which would require me to either alter the author's work by resizing, or re-coding some of the template I am using.)

By all rights I should now be purchasing music on iTunes, so why haven't I?

1 comment:

Evey Marievey said...

Due to your laziness your link doesn't work. Or maybe you don't know how to use the interwebs....Which might also explain why you aren't purchasing your music from iTunes.


Your comments work nicely though.