
Another semester DONE

Yesterday I had my last 2 finals. The semester is officially over.
This means I won't be a super mega stress ball. Just a stress ball. It also means I should be able to post more. Not now.. since I have to go to work in about 20 min, and I still need to eat breakfast but soon.
I have no idea how things turned out yet. I stopped caring about a month- month and a half ago. School burnt out my caring fuse. I went into most of my finals with a B, I have no idea if any of the finals where good enough to keep me there. Probably not, given the amount of effort I was putting in at the end there. All that I even pretend to care about is that I pass them so I can start my senior design project. Thats right. I said senior. No longer do I get to claim I will be done with school in "3 years" as I have been for the past 4 years. Now I have to say "1 year." My wife is very happy about that.


Evey Marievey said...

Just yesterday C started a sentence, "When Curtis is done with school in 3 years..." and I interrupted him to say, "Oh no. It's only 1 year now."
Then there was a moment of quiet reflection, like we had just realized the passing of a great era.


Tom said...

I have confidence that you will not lets us down, and you will be "1 year away from finishing school for 2 years"

Don't let us down buddy!

Anonymous said...

yay, then you get to start making babies after taking your wife on a world tour of top sushi joints!

Anonymous said...

oh wait, i meant, "congratulations!"