
For C&E

I saw this van on the way to school. As soon as it pulled up I thought to myself "That looks like something Cody and Eve would do." Then I thought "Naw, that looks like something Matt would do to his car with Cody and Eve's help."

This thought was further enforced when I got around to the side of the van and saw the mural there. It is a duck riding on a dinosaur's back while a scruffy mountain man type reaches out in friendship. It is hard to see in the picture but the guy is basically how I picture Cody would picture himself.

I know its been a while since I last posted but that is because I have been busy doing things to post about. Once again I find that I am so far behind that I will eventually just make one post that encompasses all March. A quick teaser of the stuff to come: my spring break (otherwise known as the bathroom remodels), my trip to San Diego for Scott and Serena's wedding (otherwise known as that one time when I tried to kill my liver), a quick catch up on my status as a student and gainfully employed individual, and maybe some more pictures of my niece.
I promise all of this will come as soon as my teachers stop trying to kill me or make me quit school. Some times its pretty hard to differentiate between the two motives.


Tom said...

Ducks, Dinosaurs, and mountain men... yeah that seems about right.

Evey Marievey said...

*blank stare*...WTF...