
Z is a good letter to put in a title.

Today was the first day of the new semester. It was the first day of school for 2008. It was the first day of the rest of my life.. ok, not really. It was just another day in the rest of my totally awesome life. A life I started for myself 4 years ago when I decided to stop dicking around, become a serious student, marry the girl of my dreams and move back to Arizona. 2 out of 3 is pretty damn good.
Today was a day that I have been dreading for 2 weeks. Christmas vacation is always odd. It like cracking a 2 liter soda you just spent the last 3 months shaking, releasing just enough pressure to get the foam up to the cap, then screwing the cap back on. I found myself between classes with the urge to just walk back to my car, get in, and drive home. I am starting the 4th year of school and it is really starting to wear on me. The constant suspension of what I feel is my normal life due to the temporal and financial strain the pursuit of higher education is starting to take its tole. I've only been back to school for 1 day and I already need a vacation.

In a completely unrelated topic, the Chargers beat the Colts and are headed to the AFC championship. I have mixed feeling about this. I am really happy the Chargers did so well and where able to pull of the win. On the other hand I have no illusion that they can beat the Patriots to get to the super bowl, especially with the physical toll they paid to get to the championship. I think the Colts have a much better chance of beating New England and my loathing of the Patriots seems to be outweighing my love of the Chargers. I guess I should just be happy I have had a good season. Chargers make it to the championship game, Redskins made the playoffs (barely), and the Cardinals didn't have a loosing season (I know, hard to believe!)


Tom said...

Don't be like me and decide to stop doing home work for a month because you feel like and then almost flunk out your senior year...

As far as the football season goes, you forgot one point. The Bronco's did nothing!! WHOOO HOOO!

Evey Marievey said...

You could be like me and become so fed up with paying for school that you decide your 5th year is going to be your last...regardless of how many credits you have to squeeze in to make it happen. You want to talk about burn out....

As for the football season...It has been observed that when watching a New England game I will back ANY team that is facing the Patriots. This means that I actually cheered for the Ravens a few weeks ago, and that I would be Brat Favre's biggest fan if Green Bay were to meet the Pats in the Super Bowl.
Disgusting, but true.